We Need Your Support
The CFAH believes in the power of a small group of people and the generosity of the few, which has sustained the home for decades.
You can also mail a donation to the Children’s Fresh Air Home at P.O. Box 413, Haddonfield, NJ 08033.
Private and corporate sponsorships are also available.
- Friends Contribution Level – a $5,000 to $9,999 gift. Your name will be inscribed on a plaque on the staircase.
- Matriarch Contribution Level – a $10,000 to $24,999 gift. Your name will be inscribed on a plaque in the upstairs hallway.
- 1923 Society Contribution Level – a $25,000 to $49,999 gift. Your name will be inscribed on a plaque in the playground area.
- Trustee Contribution Level – a $50,000 to $74,999 gift. Your name will be inscribed on a plaque in the Activity Room.
- Guardian Contribution Level – a $75,000 to $99,999 gift. Your name will be inscribed on a plaque in the Dining Room.
- Visionaries Contribution Level – a $100,000 to 149,999 gift. Your name will be inscribed on a plaque in the Living Room.
- Founders Contribution Level – a $150,000 and above. Your name will be inscribed on a plaque located on the outside wall of the building as you enter the Home.
The support of our local community, government, and businesses is vital to the success of our renovation efforts. If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor or learning more about the Capital Campaign, please contact us at info@freshairhome.org.